Product Managing

The job where I learnt the most about product management was at Peoplesized where I worked as Project Assistant. In this position, among other things, I was managing a web application that was developed for data collection and risk mapping of Malaria in Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. My task were listed as follows:

  • Designing the front end of new features as requested by end users.
  • Testing the application’s user interface for usability to ensure positive user experience.
  • Providing technical support to users.
  • Compiling bug reports from malfunctions I discover or ones reported by users.
  • Managing communications with project partners (Clinton Health Access Initiative and University of California, San Francisco).
  • Preparing manuals and training materials for users.
  • Recording, editing and publishing screencasts showing users how to use the application
Travelling to Botswana to meet with end users of the DiSARM application.

My employers were very nice folks from the UK and Canada and I learnt an incredible lot from them until they moved back I left the job when I moved to live in Angola. For more information on the DiSARM project visit the DiSARM project website. 

Contact details of my employer and recommendation letter available at request.